Post-Election Landscape
California remains a blue state, with Democratic Party registration nearly double that of Republican Party registration. Democrats hold a trifecta government (trifecta: when one party controls the three state powers — the office of the governor, the state House and the state Senate) and have a supermajority in both the Senate and the Assembly. Governor Gavin Newsom (D) remains very popular with November polls showing a 65% approval rate. He is up for re-election in 2022.
Pre-Election Balance of Power:
- Governor: Gavin Newsom (D)
- State Senate: 31 Democrats – 9 Republicans
- State Assembly: 61 Democrats – 18 Republicans – 1 No Party Preference
Post-Election Balance of Power:
- Governor: Gavin Newsom (D)
- State Assembly: 60 Democrats – 19 Republicans – 1 No Party Preference
- State Senate: 31 Democrats – 8 Republicans, with 1 race still not called:
- SD 21: Scott Wilk (R) v. Kipp Mueller (D)
Impact on California Consumers
- Securing Our Future will continue to deal with wildfire and pandemic-related legislation,
workers’ compensation issues, and new privacy regulatory rules.