Post-Election Landscape
Washington will continue to be a heavily Democratic state and the Democrats will maintain solid working majorities in both houses. Insurance Commissioner Kriedler was re-elected and has already announced he will be sponsoring legislation to eliminate the use of credit-based insurance scores. Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz was also re-elected, and she has indicated she will continue her efforts to increase funding for wildfire fighting, including assessments on insurance policies.
Pre-Election Balance of Power
- Governor: Jay Inslee (D)
- State Senate: 27 Democrats – 22 Republicans
- State House: 56 Democrats – 42 Republicans
Post-Election Balance of Power
- Governor: Jay Inslee (D)
- State Senate: 26 Democrats – 23 Republicans, with 2 races still not called:
- Democrats could still pick up seats in the 10th and 28th District to offset the loss in the 19th. Senator Mullet, chair of the Senate Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade Committee, trails his (also Democratic) challenger by less than one percentage point.
- State House: 57 Democrats – 39 Republicans, with 2 races still not called:
- Republican incumbents are narrowly running ahead in 2 races (10th and 17th Districts). Democrats lost an incumbent in the 19th District, while Republicans lost one in the 42nd.
Impact on Washington Consumers
- Securing Our Future will continue to deal with pandemic-related legislation.
- We also anticipate privacy legislation, legislation to ban or restrict the use of credit-based insurance scores, legislation regarding risk-based pricing and the return of legislation to access insurance policies to fund wildfire fighting costs.